A view south along the road through 20 Mule
Team Canyon to wildly colorful badlands carved in the Middle
Miocene Furnace Creek Formation. Here, the Furnace Creek
has yielded commercially exploitable quantities of borates, but
relatively few fossil remains--save for several species of diatoms,
a microscopic single celled aquatic plant, and a leaf fragment
(reported by the late paleobotanist Danield I. Axelrod) belonging
to a variety of Catalina Ironwood (now restricted to the Channel
Islands off the coast of southern California). A few miles
to the north, though, in the Salt Spring Hills, vertebrate paleontologists
have identified numerous fossil footprints belonging to extinct
species of horse, camel, antelope, and birds. The association
of grazing mammals suggests that 12 million years ago, the arid
Death Valley of today supported a lush grassland habitat. |